Our industry often gets requests that aren’t perfectly suited for our day-to-day core business strengths. Does good Client Relationship Management mean offering everything your client/prospect needs? Most of us have solid strengths in certain fields and...
Don’t break out the black dress or suit just yet, print ads are still alive- despite the rumors. While digital marketing certainly is the favored contender in the marketing arena, print ads are still powerful. Digital, social, and mobile are the current heroes but in...
We have all had a client-agency relationship that went south – and not for vacation. We can chalk it up to a “learning experience” and continue to think of different ways to communicate how the process works when buying “creative intelligence”. But just when you think...
“I want to be ranked by tomorrow.” A lot of crazy things can happen overnight, but SEO success is not one of them. Steer clear from those that promise instant success as it usually equates to more money in the long run to fix their mistakes. Optimizing your website...
Workplace Productivity requires planning. It doesn’t have to be a big plan but putting pen to paper and having your most important tasks in front of you will give you a visual on what needs to be accomplished. A productive day doesn’t always mean getting a lot of work...